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Concrete Lifting

with Spray Foam

Home Comfort Insulation offers concrete lifting & slab jacking services to fix sunken driveways, sidwalks, and more. Over time, the concrete around your home or business may start to sink as the soil beneath it compresses or erodes. Home Comfort Insulation can fix sunken conrete slabs in your driveway or walkway with our concrete lifting services, using geotechnical polyurethane spray foam to raise the sunken area. We can raise foundations, walkways, patios, garages, driveways, and more!






Our Concrete Lifting Services Include:

  • Sidewalk leveling

  • Patio leveling
  • Garage floor leveling
  • Driveway leveling





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Commonly Asked Questions

How does geotechnical polyurethane spray foam work?

Once injected, the polyurethane is initially in a liquid form that finds the path of least resistance, filling annular voids and saturating loosely compacted soils. The polyurethane then begins to expand and densify, compacting the adjacent soils and sealing joints against inflow and infiltration.

What hole size is required for the injection locations?

The polyurethane is injected through 1/2″ metal rods, which are inserted through 5/8″ holes (less than the diameter of a penny.) The holes can be made through the structure, such as a foundation slab, roadway, or lateral line pipe, or can be made through adjacent soil depending on the proximity to the treatment location.





  • Minimal damage

  • Less labor cost
  • Better ground support